The Planck Scale
Quantity Value
Planck Mass 1.2 x 1019 GeV/c2
Planck Length 1.6 x 10-33 cm
Planck Time 5.4 x 10-44 s
Planck Temperature 1.4 x 1032 K

The Planck Scale

As we imagine extrapolating the history of the Universe backward in time, the big bang theory tells us that the Universe becomes more dense and hotter, and the relevant distance scales become shorter and shorter.
Quantum Mechanics
But we have seen in Chapter 5 that if the distance scales become short enough (of atomic dimensions or smaller), the theory of quantum mechanics must be used to describe physical events. Therefore, as we extrapolate back in time to the beginning of the Universe, eventually we reach a state of sufficient temperature and density that a fully quantum mechanical theory of gravitation would be required. This is called the Planck era, and the corresponding scales of distance, energy, and time are called the Planck scale. The Planck scale corresponds to incredibly small distances, or equivalently, incredibly large energies. The lengths, energies, temperatures, and times characteristic of the Planck scale are displayed in the top right table (the unit GeV stands for 1 billion electron volts of energy and c stands for the speed of light).
The Limits of Present Observational Knowledge
It is instructive to compare the Planck scale with the scale on which we have actual data for the properties of elementary particles in our Universe. In the largest particle accelerators, energies comparable to 100 GeV can be reached. The temperature of a gas having particles of this average energy and the time after the big bang when the temperature of the Universe would have dropped to this value are

Temperature = 1015 K       Time = 10-10 s after the big bang

Therefore, all speculation about the Universe at times earlier than this is based on particle properties that can only be inferred theoretically because we do not have direct experimental data for higher energies. Clearly the Planck scale lies far beyond our present or forseeable ability to probe it directly.